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Kateryna Svirgunenko

Born on September 13, 1976, Kyiv

2002 - National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. Book Graphics Workshop (Professor V. Ya. Chebanyk)

1995 - started exhibition activities

2005 - membership in the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

2010 - Distinction in the field of printing of the 5th Georgy Yakutovych Art Exhibition-Competition

Personal exhibitions:

2012 - Paintings & Graphics. Ukrainian Institute of America. New York, USA

2010 - "Tentation de la Liberté", Cultural Center at the Embassy of Ukraine in France, Paris "Name me a color." Gallery "Workshop". Kyiv

2001 - "Woman, city, still life". Gallery "Nicholas House". Kyiv

2001 - Yellow & Blue, Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations. New York, USA


"Touch graphics". Tamara Zlobina. Magazine "Fine Arts". - # 4. - K., 2008

"Black and non-black." Tamara Zlobina. "Ukrainian magazine". - # 3. - 2010


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