She was born in Lviv in 1964.
1987 - graduated from the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts, teachers - B. Gorbalyuk and I. Frank.
Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1995.
Since 1988 he has been working in the creative workshop of ceramic artists of the Lviv Ceramic and Sculpture Factory.
Fellow of the Gaude Polonia program of the Ministry of Culture of Poland (Wroclaw, 2005).
Winner of the Zenovia Flint Award in the category "Decorative and Applied Arts" (Lviv, 2012).
2018 - "Far and Near" (with Anna Ipatieva, ART Triptych Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine)
2012 - participation in the International Literary and Artistic Project "Second Autumn", dedicated to the memory of Bruno Schultz. Lviv, Ukraine
2012 - personal exhibition "Winter Garden". PRIMUS Gallery. Lviv, Ukraine
2006 - "Ceramics of Anna Lysyk and Tamara Bereza". Wroclaw, Poland
2003 - 2004 - participation in the International project "Decorative art of Ukraine of the end of the XX century. 200 names ". Kyiv, Ukraine - Paris, France (catalog)
1990-2018– participation in the Lviv Ceramics Biennale. Lviv. Ukraine
2015-2018 - participation in the Biennale "Art of Fire". Kyiv, Ukraine
1997 - participation in the international action "Sources of Freedom". Wroclaw, Poland
1999, 2011 - participation in symposia in the village. Descriptive (Ukraine)
The works are stored in the Museum of Ethnography and Arts and Crafts (Lviv, Ukraine), the National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Pottery (Opishne, Ukraine), the Khmelnytsky Art Museum (Khmelnytsky, Ukraine), the Museum of Applied Arts (Riga, Latvia) and in private collections.
We invite you to view the author's works in the COLLECTION gallery