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27.01.2024 – 09.02.2024

Nazar Ivanyuk


ZOMBIELAND - fictional world or our reality?

"...all children are artists. The problem is to remain an artist when you become an


P. Picasso

“Let me tell you why I portray zombies! When I was 5 or 6 years old, I often drew

them, I imagined that I was friends with them, and then they started to attack me,

and I start to fight against them: throw imaginary missiles at them, threaten them

with toy guns, shoot with a gun. For me, everything was as if it were real, I was

even afraid that while my parents were not at home, the zombies would

definitely find me))

Now it seems to me again that zombies have attacked our world and we are all

fighting them back..."

Nazar Ivanyuk

Yes, the child's world is full of fantasies, they do not think about what is real and

what is not.

Everything is possible in their imagination!

As Jean Piaget claimed: the child possesses, so to speak, child realism - that is, the

perception of things in direct contact with oneself. This is why the fictional world

seems so real, and the imaginary characters come to life and interact. Nazar

paints what he likes, and neither the rules nor the laws of art can hinder his


Only time will solve everything, and life will adjust...

No one can say for sure when childhood ends, and should it end at all?

Perhaps the ability to fantasize, draw, dream, believe is what saves and heals the

soul, protecting it at least a little from the harsh reality of today...

FIGHT – NO FRIGHT. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 200 x 150cm, 2023.

ZOMBIELAND. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 121 x 90cm, 2023.

MAD. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 50 x 40cm, 2023.

ABORIGINAL ZOMBIE. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 50 x 40cm, 2023.

ONE-EYED.Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 50 x 40cm, 2023.

ZOMBIE WITH THE RACKET IN THE THROAT. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 200 x 60cm, 2018.

WHOEVER DIDN’T HIDE, WILL GET EATEN. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 121 x 60cm, 2023.

CHEERFUL ZOMBIE. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 50 x 40cm, 2023.

PINK ZOMBIE. Аcrylic on canvas, spray paint, 121 x 60cm, 2023


Thank you for being with us!

              WORK SCHEDULE

WED - SUT         13:00-18:00
SUN                     13:00-17:00  MON - TUE         CLOSED

© 1999 Triptych Art Gallery

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