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Bagrat Arazyan

1958 Born in Yerevan, Armenia

1976 -1980 Studied at the Moscow School of Arts and Crafts, Russia

Since 1994 - co-organizer and curator of the gallery and design studio "Modius", Moscow

2017 - co-organizer and curator of the Center for Contemporary Art Pivce, Slovenia

Lives and works in Slovenia.

Personal exhibitions and projects:

2015 Projects "Transformation" and "Calligraphy". Krka Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2015 "Keys washed by the flow of time". SAZU (Slovenian University of Science and Arts), Postojna, Slovenia

2015 "Retrospective", Russian Center for Science and Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2015 "Transformation", Plac Izolanov Gallery, Izola, Slovenia

2016 "Game Territory", Krpanov House, Center for Contemporary Art Pivca, Slovenia

2016 "Shadow of Light", Gallery "House on Vidmo", Ilirska Bystrica, Slovenia

/ with Irina Vdovenko /

2016 "Anthropology", Gallery Plac Izolanov, Izola, Slovenia / with Matteo Bossi (Italy) /

2016 "Aroma of Desire / Desire of Aroma", Plac Izolanov Gallery, Izola, Slovenia / with Natalia Zinchenko /

2016 "Layering", Cultural Center, Imatra, Finland

2016 "Duet", Manziolli Wine Bar, Izola, Slovenia / with Eduard Bielski /

2017 Anthropology, Postojna Youth Center, Slovenia

2017 "Layering", Center for Contemporary Art of the Drinker, Gallery of the Slovenian National Theater, Celje, Slovenia

2018 "Screen", Gallery "Insula", Izola, Slovenia

2018 "Old Journey", glass gallery, Logatec, Slovenia

2018 "Burnt pages of unfinished love", Center for Contemporary Art of the Drinker, Plac Izolanov Gallery, Izola, Slovenia

2018 "Screen", gallery "House on Vidmo", Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia

2019 "Burnt pages of unfinished love", Kosovel House, Sežana, Slovenia

2019 "House between the Borders", installation / with Natalia Ignatieva /, Center for Contemporary Art Pivtsa, Krpanov House (Pivtsa), Slovenia

2019 "Wall", DRAT Gallery, Izola, Slovenia / with Sandra Kostyančić /

2019 "Geometry. Tree », Juliet Room, Muja, Italy

Group projects:

2015 Layering, Hoyrygalleria, Korpilahti, Finland

2016 International Biennale "Velika Planina", Slovenia

2016 9th International Triennial of Graphics of Small Forms, Vilnius, Lithuania

2017 International Art Symposium "Slovenia Open to Art", Blue Peak, Slovenia

2017 “Symbol. Sign. Color "6th International Art Festival, Kranj, Slovenia

2017 Art Expo Ljubljana, Slovenia

2018 Poglyad International Project, Pivka Center for Contemporary Art, Slovenian National Theater Gallery, Celje, Slovenia

2018 XXI International Art Residence "Križanke", Ljubljana, Slovenia

2019 "Calligraphy". Installation within the Variations / Directions project, Ptuj City Gallery, Slovenia

2019 PASTE UP! Collage Festival, Mexico City, Mexico

2019 Layering, West / East Arts Festival, Jerusalem, Israel

2019 BALTIC DRAWING II, Museum of Contemporary Art, Imatra, Finland

2019 Black & White, 8th International Arts Festival, Kranj, Slovenia

2019 Art Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2019 "Made in Chernobyl", International Project, Museum of the History of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

2020 KAOS 2020, 3rd Festival of Modern Collage, Kranj, Slovenia

Main curatorial projects:

2015 "Keys washed by the flow of time". SAZU (Slovenian University of Science and Arts), Postojna, Slovenia

2016 "Game Territory", Krpanov House, Center for Contemporary Art, Pivca, Slovenia

2016 Shadow of the World, House of the Witch Gallery, Ilirska Bystrica, Slovenia

2016 "Aroma of Desire / Desire of Aroma", Plac Izolanov Gallery, Izola, Slovenia

2016 "Layering", Cultural Center, Imatra, Finland

2017 "Woman of Eduard Bielski", Center for Contemporary Art Pivce, Slovenia

2017 "Layering", Center for Contemporary Art of the Drinker, Gallery of the Slovenian National Theater, Celje, Slovenia

2018 Poglyad International Project, Pivka Center for Contemporary Art, Slovenian National Theater Gallery, Celje, Slovenia

2018 "Metamorphosis" by Rebeka Petrovčić, Center for Contemporary Art of the Singer, Gallery of the Slovenian National Theater, Celje, Slovenia

2019 "Three cycles". Project by Italian artist Elizabeth Baccio, Center for Contemporary Art of the Drinker, Krpanov House (Drinker), Slovenia

2019 International Exhibition of Illustrations, Plac Izolanov Gallery, Izola, Slovenia

2019 "House between the borders", installation / with Natalia Ignatieva /, Center for Contemporary Art of the Beer, Krpanov House (Beer), Slovenia

2019 "Adam's Rib", project by artist Anatoliy Baratynsky (Israel), Plac Izolanov Gallery, Izola, Slovenia

2019 "Dice Game", project by Kateryna Kiryanova (Russia), PRULE Cultural Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia


1997 Award for Best Design at the International Banking Advertising Festival. Calendar of Menatep Bank (1998), Moscow

2005 Bronze at the professional design and advertising competition "ADCR Awards 2005" in the nomination "Design of multi-page publications", Moscow

2007 Nomination for "Best Book of the Year" in the annual national competition "Book of the Year", published by Siberia. Atlas of Asian Russia ", Moscow

2007 Medal and Diploma of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for merits in the field of socio-economic development of the Republic and for the publication "Atlas of Yakutia"

2009 Diploma of the I degree for the design of the publication "Peoples of Russia. Atlas of Cultures and Religions "at the All-Russian competition" The Art of the Book ", Moscow

2011 Diploma of the I degree in the nomination "The best corporate calendar of the past years" at the All-Russian competition "Corporate calendar", calendar "Remembering" (Memories…) of the group of companies "Esprit" ("Espro" group), Moscow

2011 Winner in the nomination "The best publication about Moscow" in the annual national competition "Book of the Year", the publication "Sacred space of medieval Moscow", Moscow

2011 Medal of the Ministry of Emergencies for many years of fruitful cooperation, for a significant contribution to the creative work to create an "Atlas of natural and man-made hazards and risks of emergencies in the Russian Federation"

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