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Grek Dmytro

Dmytro Snigyr was born in 1978 in Mariupol.

He graduated from art school.

1997 - graduated from Myrhorod Art College (Department of Art Ceramics).

2001 - graduated from Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute (Faculty of Fine and Decorative Arts, specializing in Easel and Monumental Sculpture, Bachelor).

From 2001 he continued his studies, and in 2004 he graduated from the Kyiv National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture with a degree in "Fine and Decorative Arts", qualification - "Sculptor".

While studying in Kharkiv, he participated in the creation and installation of a memorial bust of Klavdia Shulzhenko, worked on the creation of a bronze sculptural composition "Soccer Ball", dedicated to the Kharkiv football club.

Since 2006 he has been participating in sculptural symposia made of stone (2005, 2006, 2007, under the direction of Oleksandr Sukholit) and exhibitions under the pseudonym Dmytro Grek.

2011 - participated in the creation of the monument to St. Cyril and Methodius, erected in Donetsk. In the same year at the All-Ukrainian Triennial of Sculpture he was awarded a diploma of the II degree for the sculpture "Girl on a Roe Deer".


2010 - "Spring Exhibition", Central House of Artists of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kyiv

2008, 2005, 2002 –- participation in the All-Ukrainian Triennial of Sculpture, Central House of Artists of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv

2006 - All-Ukrainian Art Exhibition "Youth", Central House of Artists of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kyiv

2004 - "Autumn Exhibition", Central House of Artists of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kyiv

2001 - "New Art of an Independent Country", Kharkiv Municipal Gallery.

2000 - "Prologue", French Center of Kharkiv State Polytechnic University.

1999 - Kabardino-Balkaria Museum of Fine Arts.

The sculptor lives and works in Kyiv.

We invite you to view the author's works in the COLLECTION gallery

Dmytro Grek is also represented at ARTSY

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