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Max Vityk


Max Vityk’s oeuvre redefine the possibilities of life, in a unique way. His amazing painted works use vibrant colours and forms, which are blended together in a sculptured way telling mysterious stories. Max Vityk’s large canvases seduce us into a marvellous vision, which slides endlessly through your subconscious.

Through Max Vityk‘s world we are suspended between reality, dreams and contemporary tales.

Vityk depicts the lights and the soft breeze of the African nights and days with a playful narrative (Cairo Dreams Series). In addition, the artist challenges the energy of painting modern life in full awareness of its great contradictions, (Egypt spring revolution and Ukraine revolution) with a deep knowledge of the conventions of art and science. He paints those tensions making a stand for freedom. In his work the light – the enlighten and the good - fights against the tenebrous – the darkness and the evil – shining with power of unity. Softly we are immersing in a flux of sensitivity and tactile beauty, swiftly moving into intriguers’ imaginary spaces where everything seems so real and possible.

“The peace bringer”. Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

C23. Еnamel, acrylic, pen on carton

V98, acrylic, enamel, spray paint, oil bar, foam and permanent marker on carton

C12, enamel, acrylic, pen on carton

C11, enamel, acrylic, pen on carton

C28, enamel, acrylic, pen on carton

V100, enamel, acrylic, permanent marker on carton

V101, enamel, acrylic on carton

C15. Еnamel, acrylic, pen on carton

“Secret garden”. Oil on canvas

C19. Еnamel, acrylic, pen on carton

“Behind the Green Door” Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

“Sakkara”. Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

“Christmas Night ”. Oil on canvas

“Maadi”. Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

“Fighting cock” Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

“Bicycle secrets”. Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

“Silver box” Acrylic, enamel, foam, spray paint, pen, oil bar on canvas

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               ГРАФІК РОБОТИ

СР - СБ             13:00-18:00
НД                   13:00-17:00

​ПН - ВТ           ЗАЧИНЕНО

© 1999 Triptych Art Gallery

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